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In this project we had based on the real and artificial world, for this reason we thought of making a shocking sculpture, so that all viewers can enjoy the sensations that we want to give with our work of art. 


In this project we had based on the real and artificial world, for this reason we thought of making a shocking sculpture, so that all viewers can enjoy the sensations that we want to give with our work of art. to make this project we have based ourselves on a work of the MNAC, specifically on a work of Leandre Cristofol, static volumes, made from plaster, steel and wood

We decided to choose this work because we wanted to make a fairly minimalist work, with few details and a smooth color. Also as it's in Leandre's work we had thought that the sculpture was exempt. That is why we wanted to take this work and base ourselves on many aspects in reference to its aesthetics.



The first thing we did was make a sketch of our final work to have a clearer vision of our work. Once this was done, we began to form the structure with cardboard and wrapped it with tape to form the base of our sculpture.

Once we had the base, we wrapped the work again but this time with paper and white glue, to fix the whole surface correctly and leave it a little smoother.



Here is the final work, already painted. What we wanted to represent with this work was the natural world VS the artificial world. That’s why we wanted to recreate two cartoon characters but in them we didn’t want to convey the typical feeling of happiness but we wanted to show the real feelings of someone who is wrong even if he doesn’t show it on the outside. We can see that the characters are supporting each other representing the grief they feel but want to hide. We decided that the sculpture would not be polished, because as we said we wanted to represent the animated characters but not in an idyllic way as we know it but with the very feeling that the two characters are hiding, helping each other.



In this project we have based ourselves on justice, peace and conflicts, that is why we thought of making a painting referring to Ukraine to raise awareness of what is happening around the world with conflicts


We decided to be inspired by this MNAC work of "Expulsión de los mercaderes del Templo" by Giandomenico Tiepolo. This work represented the expulsion of the merchants and we related it to the Ukrainian War, since with everything that is happening indirectly they are forcing them to leave.



We started by drawing an idyllic Ukrainian landscape, as we thought we could relate it to this year's theme. Once this landscape was painted, we wanted to show the conflict that is currently happening there and that's why we made this kind of explosion that frames the picture on the sides based on a foam that we painted with black spray.


What we wanted to represent is the fact that from night to day an everyday place like Ukraine was or could be perfectly where we live because many conflicts also happen that destroy the lives of many people from one day to the next. It is for this reason that we decided to mask an idyllic landscape with an explosion with volume to impact more and give more expressiveness to the work.

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